Growing Together

Growing Together at
St Peter’s

We have a vision to grow in all areas of our church family not just spiritually, but physically too.

Over the last year the leadership have been seeking God about the future of the buildings He has given to us to care for. Subject to planning approval, the vision God has given us is to knock down the church hall and to build a new church centre on the land, along with two houses at the Westfield Avenue end which will fund some of the project.

The new church centre will be connected to the church and provide us, the church family, with a large space for hosting events and groups, along with a foyer which will double as a café area and three first floor meeting rooms. Plus, a fully equipped kitchen, toilets including an accessible toilet and offices.

Our hope is we become a hub for the local community, a modern welcoming space where people feel at home.

It says in 1 Corinthians 3 v 7 that God makes things grow and that is our prayer for the future of St Peter’s. That God would grow his church and increase the facilities we have to offer the community.

Please do prayerfully consider how you can be part of the journey of growing together.

Here are some of the Architechs drawings of what the new church centre will look like:

A really easy and free way to help us raise money for our Growing Together Project is by signing up to Easy Fundraising.
All you need to do is set up an account following this link:
and every time you purchase something online, if you go via the Easy Fundraising website or app you will be able to raise funds for St Peter's at no extra cost to you! There are thousands of retailers linked to the scheme, including, Amazon, Ebay, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury's, Morrisons and Asda to name a few.

Giving to Growing Together

If you would like to give towards our Growing Together project please follow this link and click the Growing Together option.